Memorial II
Memorial II

Memorial II

In a conflict, the opposing parties see only the black and the white. The shades of gray no longer exist. They have been abolished to justify fighting, dying and mourning. If there were more shades of gray, there would be more questions with answers that could end the conflict. War memorials are places of remembrance for the fallen, the survivors, and the after-born of the good cause. They commemorate the black or the white, but not the shades of gray.

Galerie der Brotfabrik
11.03. – 23.04.2017– “Grautöne zulassen”

time and place:
october 2016

exhibition dates:
2 FineArtPrint on Hahnemühle PhotoSilkBaryta 120×120 on Alu-Dipond
2 FineArtPrint on Hahnemühle PhotoSilkBaryta 50×50 on Alu-Dipond
exhibition dates: 5-7 metres