Project description
Internal information
14 March 2021
The exhibition began with the first #lockdown2 restrictions and ended on the day that all schools, shops and thus galleries in Berlin had to close. Until today, nothing has changed in the overall situation. Winter will soon be over in Berlin and people are getting hopeful that vaccinations and warmer weather will allow public life to take place again. It’s time for a look back.

The exhibition
The exhibition took place from 16.10. – 01.11.2020 in Berlin at the Fotoatelier am Schönen Berg. There were 546 photographs shown in 7 dialogues on the walls and on the screen. Due to the Covid 19 rules in force in Berlin, no more than four visitors were allowed to enter the two rooms at the same time. A large vernissage could therefore not be advertised and held. The exhibition was open on three weekends and had more than a hundred visitors despite the adverse circumstances.
The visitors
Many interested visitors came (one after the other). Most of them took almost an hour to look at the dialogues, many of them several times. Many of them also initiated a conversation. This is actually not normal for Berlin. But it shows the interest in the photographs and in the idea. In addition, many visitors photographed the contact details. Maybe you got a direct message from Berlin. I would be pleased.
Irina came from Prague to Berlin for our small vernissage despite the restrictions. @Irina: You succeeded in surprising us. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Perhaps we can catch up on such a meeting with everyone on site and/or via video at a second exhibition or on another occasion. Unfortunately, there has been no response to various applications to galleries so far, but many are not planning at the moment either.
13th October
I would like to present your names and contacts in the exhibition in a uniform way. For Vita please send me the following data to foto[at]
- Name, First name
- contacts: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, e-mail
- Short statement about photography approx. 1000 characters
6th October
The photographs are now printed and prepared for presentation. Next Tuesday they will all be mounted on the wall. I also created the announced slideshows, which will be uploaded at in the next days. Many thanks again to all involved for providing the data.
In the meantime the homepage of the Month of Photography Off has been updated and the catalogue has been published. The double page of our exhibition can be found below as a picture.
Measures against the corona pandemic were stepped up again today in Berlin. Public life is once again being restricted. Of course I still hope that many visitors will be able to see our exhibition. More important, of course, is that everyone continues to stay healthy. We will see how the situation develops.

13th August
The preparations for the exhibition are currently on schedule. The advertising in the photo magazines in Berlin has been placed, the photographs are ready for printing and the press release has been written. The construction of the exhibition will start at the beginning of October. A hygiene concept still has to be written this year.
The measures against the Corona pandemic will also influence the exhibition. Unfortunately, not all those interested will be able to travel to the exhibition and the number of visitors will have to be limited due to the size of the room. To ensure that the dialogues in their entirety can still be seen by a larger audience, the individual dialogues are to be uploaded as a slideshow on
If the dialogues and the exhibition concept are well received by the public in Berlin, I can well imagine that there will be another exhibition in the post-Covid19 period. Maybe even outside of Berlin.

11th June
Seven photographers have now signed up for the exhibition in Berlin, so that I have been able to start planning. As things stand today, the dialogues with Adela Sanz (ES), Irena Šormová (CZ), James Ikpe (NG), Jano Sandoval (CL), Kyoungseok Lee (KR), Michala Norup (DK) and Philip Butler (UK) will be shown in a group exhibition.
The concept for the exhibition envisages that all dialogues will be shown completely. The individual photographs in the dialogues will be shown next to each other in a row. The dialogues, on the other hand, will be arranged below one another. Due to the different number of photographs in the dialogues, there will be five strips of 20 metres around the exhibition space.

The photographs are marked accordingly so that the authors can be recognized. For the introduction of the individual photographers I would ask you to please send me an appropriate cv. This should mention your name, contact details and (if appropriate) exhibitions.
For the exhibition, I will cover the costs of printing the photographs and doing the corresponding advertising. In order that the photographs can be printed out uniformly, please send me the photographs in the following format by 31.07.2020.
longest side 30 cm | 320dpi | .jpg | 8 Bit | RGB mode (color space sRGB)
For sending please use You can upload the files individually or in a zip file.
4th June
Last year, I started a direct exchange with you as well as with several other photographers. This resulted in a total of ten photographic dialogues. With this concept I applied to take part in the month of photography off in Berlin. Very recently I was informed that I have been accepted, so that I can now start planning the exhibition and a catalogue.
To be able to realise the exhibition and the accompanying catalogue I will need your permission to use your photographs as well as image files of the photographs themselves in a higher resolution than what we exchanged on Instagram. The idea is that your rights to the pictures remain with you and that you grant me publication rights only for the exhibition and the catalogue. I am planning to give all participating photographers a copy of the catalogue as a thank you.
But first of all I would like to ask for your consent. The data will of course not be passed on to third parties and will only be used for internal coordination. Once you have agreed, I will send you the necessary information about the image files I need from you, the upload procedure and further information.